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When we think back to the good old bad old days

when we were young Dark Blues

we never saw no cups or glory

but I’ve got some brilliant stories

and we followed the Dundee through and through yeh!


If we went to Partick on a wet Wednesday night

we had to stand there soaking

even though we were shite

we always stood there spurned them on

we shouted abuse and we sung our songs


we always knew that we’d get there

cos it was always


Hail Hail the Dees are here

what the hell do we care now

we always know there’s gonna be a show

and the Dundee FC would do us proud


But the Seasons come and the players go

different faces we love to know

we’ve all had our heroes Glennie and Bell

Simmy and Sinky and wee Grady as well

full of grit And showed no fear

It was always hail hail the Dees are here ‘o yeh!


Where ever we go we fear no foe

Were part of the Dens Park dynamo

We stand together and its hail to the dees

Were through calm waters and we know rough seas.

And in my heart I’ll always hold true

The Dundee FC the true Dark Blue


And its.. ..Hail Hail the Dees are here

What the hell do we care now

We always know there’s gonna be a show

And the Dundee FC would do us proud


Away the Dees  yeh!

Away the Dees  yeh

Away the Dees  yeh

Always Dundee


I wrote this wee song because its how I and every other Dundee supporter felt growing up in the late 70’s 80’s watching Dundee. Watching the Likes of Bobby Glennie, Peter Mackie,Eric Sinclair, Srimmy etc.. we knew we weren’t world beaters but we showed our dedication by following the Dees through the thin times.


So this song is dedicated to the fans that followed and players that played for the Dees through those tough times.


Em a Dee Thul Eh Deh


Em a Dee ema dee em a dee thul eh deh

if eh dinnae see meh dees  well eh’ll shairly creh

if eh said eh liked yinitit now that wid be a leh

em a Dee em a dee em a dee thul eh deh


When eh go and see the Dees ehm aywis on a heh

meh hert is goin 90’s an eh think ehm gonna fleh

mibby its jist hertburn  we eating too much pez

ema Dee ema dee ema dee thul eh deh


Em a proud Dee and am no ain fur the lez

but one day the Dark Blues will win the precious prez

it might tak a whiley or a hundred different whez

but eh’ll wait coz their great ema Dee tuhl eh deh

ema Dee ema dee ema dee thul eh deh


Ema Dee ema dee ema dee thul eh deh

if eh dinnae see meh dees  well eh’ll shairly creh

if eh said eh liked yinitit now that wid be a leh

ema Dee em a dee em a dee thul eh deh


Ema Dee em a dee em a dee thul eh deh

if eh dinnae see meh dees  well eh’ll shairly creh

if eh said eh liked the arabs now that wid be a leh

em a Dee em a dee em a dee thul eh deh


Ah! This song has opened up quite a debate, accused of  “annoying toy town backing? Accussed of being Plagiarised from Michael Marra, and grating on the ears of some Dundee followers, Ok I admit it, I used the same Dundee dialect in this wee number as Michael has probably used in numerous compositions, however if its mistaken for a Marra number then I’m honoured and it is a wee toe tapper.  Cannae say mare than that really.


Fuck you Fuck you Arab


Ladies and Gentleman I would like to sing this song

and I’m sure you would like to join with me

in singing this song for every living breathing dirty Arab bastard


Thank you very much indeed.



Fuck you fuck ya F.U.C.K.Y.O.U.

fuck you fuck ya F.U.C.K.Y.O.U.

well we really hate your fucking guts

well we’d like to kick you right  in the nuts

so Fuck you fuck you F.U.C.K.Y.O.U.



Fuck you fuck ya arab bastards F.U.C.K.Y.O.U.  arab bastards.

I said Fuck you fuck ya F.U.C.K.Y.O.U.

well we really hate their fucking guts

and we’d like to rap them right in the puss

so Fuck you fuck you  F.U.C.K.Y.O.U. we really mean it

F.U.C.K.Y.O.U. you arab bastards.


Imagine Noel Coward sitting at a piano in a smoking jacket cigarette holder in his mouth supporting a brillcream side shade? Ok Bobby you’ve taken that too far? This was the desired effect this wee number was supposed to have. I got the idea for this song by listening to numerous comedians and I just cut and pasted different ideas. Some people have accused this song as being too much and not politically correct? I just tell them to fuck off! Its how I feel.


Dee 4 Life


When we support the Dees we follow endlessly on

even through these troubled times we still sing our songs

we don’t listen to no west coast lies or bitter twisted news

we all know that the way things go the future is Dark Blue


I’m a Dee for life for the rest of my life

and I’d like to make it clear

and I’d just like to say  that we’ll be ok

and we’ll face the future with no fear


When we chose to support the Dees

there were no alternative teams

we’d never think of glory hunting or wearing silly tangerine


We are Dees till we die we can only try

to stick through these troubled days

and because we all know that the way things go

the future is Dark Blue


I’m a Dee for life for the rest of my life

and I’d like to make it clear

and I’d just like to say  that we’ll be ok

and we’ll face the future with no fear


We don’t need no west coast lies or bitter twisted deeds

written by a man who cannot write for people who cannot read.


I’m a Dee for life for the rest of my life

and I’d like to make it clear

and I’d just like to say  that we’ll be ok

and we’ll face the future with no fear


We are deed we are Dees till we die with our last breath we’ll try

to see through these troubled times

and I’ll stand up and shout 110% not out

coz I am a Dee for life.



This was the rallying song for the Dee 4 Life campaign, I wrote this as I was pissed off with the constant negative press the daily retard was spewing about us, and the message is quite clear in the song, Fuck the daily record, don’t buy it!  I am a bit disappointed that the Dens DJ doesn’t play it as I think it is a song for the moment and gives out the message we are 110% not out.


The Arab family


Their ugly and their minky

a bunch  of fucking tinkies

they dinna wash their stinky

the arab family


they only live on chippers

their boadys stink o kippers

they sleep under papers

the arab family


the arabs they are poor

mum arab is a hoor

and dads a poof I’m sure

the arab family


their brought up pickin berries

sell claes pegs in the Ferry

they havnae got a telly

the arab family

thank you


This daft wee ditty has caused an uproar! It has been branded as offensive, disgusting and nothing short of a criminal offence, it has been damned by both the local press and supporters of  the gay orangee mob, “so its had its desired effect then? The only thing I don’t like about this wee number is the use of the word Fanny, I tried to change it to Boady as it just dawned on me the kids might listen to this, but oops! too late the CD had been done, all 1000 copies, however its probably the same wee bastards that are copying the CD and making a killing (Doh!)


The High Stand


Here’s to the Dees in the high stand

that stood down here not long ago

they  watched their Dees from these very terracing

they watched their Dundee grow


They roared on their heroes just like we do today

and their part of our history

and I’d just like to say

here’s to absent friends in the high stand

looking down on us dees

their with us on match days

and they get in for free


And they followed their Dark Blues

just as we do today

their Dees for life and after

and I’d just like to say


We salute you in the High stand

you were the lifeblood of our team

And now its up to us to follow

and keep alive our dreams


We’d like to think you’re with us

and your always in our prayers

we know one day we’ll join you

as we climb the dark blue stairs


Here’s to you in the high stand

we salute you in the high stand

absent friends  in the high stand


We salute you in the high stand…….fades



This song was written at the time a couple of Dundee fans I knew had sadly died and I had it in my mind to write something for them. My sister Kate was a nurse at Victoria hospital and one of her elderly patients said to her “ eh meh Tam wis a Dundee man but he’s in the high stand now” Fucking Eureka! I must admit this song gives me goosies when I listen to it. Hope it has the same effect on you, as most of us have had family and friends that have all moved on to the high stand.

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